Phone: 0800 288 882

There are several things that we have been doing to keep you safe whilst with us - extra hygiene, QR code sign in, sanitising, washing hands, mask-wearing, and social distancing as practicable as possible.

We are doing those things (and more!) and have asked you to do the same.

I have asked all our staff to be vaccinated to keep you safe.

I now ask that you are vaccinated to keep us safe.

Dive! Tutukaka’s priority throughout the Covid-19 pandemic has been to protect the health, safety and well-being of our community.

While our vaccination policy may limit some rights, it reaffirms what we consider to be a primary responsibility, to keep our people safe.

And if I am honest, I do struggle with this a bit. And I think that is perfectly normal. These are turbulent times, and change is rapid, up in your grill, and constant. It is exhausting and confusing.

I understand there will be a minority that will not be vaccinated, and we all must respect that.

It is not IF you disagree, but HOW you disagree that shows your true colours.

We must respect people’s individual choices.

We know that some people feel that this may impinge on their freedom of choice, however, it’s important to note that the policy does not force anyone to get vaccinated. That decision remains entirely a matter of personal choice.

However, choice does come with dingle dangles. Curly bits, daggy bits, the consequencey bits.

In this case, that choice may limit your ability to take part in some of our activities.

We have an overarching duty of care to staff and customers that are in Dive! Tutukaka’s workplace.

Our decision is firmly based on the health and well-being of our staff, customers and community, and is in line with decisions the Government has announced for other industry sectors.

We front foot this situation with honesty, care, and compassion, but also with strength. No one signed up for this, but here we are.

We all very much want to return to a normal awesome world-class experience at the Poor Knights, diving, snorkelling, swimming with the fish, and enjoying our salty, sun-kissed summer.

We believe that a vaccine policy is the best way to keep everyone safe.

Dive! Tutukaka has confirmed its policy that from 15 December 2021 all staff and visitors will need to have at least one vaccination as a condition of being able to take part in face-to-face activities.

This is on all our boats, and on all our premises.

From the 17th of January 2022 full vaccination is required.

Proof of vaccination will be requested, exemptions are noted in the app, and will be accepted, and children under the age of 12 are exempt.

We will follow all Health guidelines in our best attempt to keep everyone safe.

This decision will be reviewed regularly, noting the rapidly changing environment and the increasing advances in the management of living with the pandemic globally.

Hopefully, this is not a forever thing. 🐋



Simone-Poor knights arch

Published on November 17, 2021